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February 11, 2008


Mount Baden-Powell Ski Descent

Posted by poxod-www

Date Climbed: Feb 9, 2008
The road was closed about 2 miles East of the Vincent Gap. I started around 12:30 pm and was near the trail head quite soon. I followed someone’s steps which climbed quite steadily. Carrying skis and not bother with skins was pretty good idea. The mountain is somewhat steep and the last hundred vertical meters did require a use of crampons. I have summited the peak at 4:35 pm. After a quick rest, I started my descent down the icy slopes. The first 10 min were unpleasant, until I reached a sheltered shadowed forest with its soft snow. The ski descent down the narrow couloir was rewarding. There was a narrow rocky portion which I decided to traverse, but other than that, the moon gave enough tonal colors to ski after the sun set (“Please do not do this, especially alone”). The hike back was under the moonlight. I was near my car around 7:30 pm. It was a good trip. The temperature could have been just a little bit cooler than 65 F.