Vova Smirnov

Photos taken during different times of his life
1970 - 1999

101_malysh 102_goda 103_v_chemodane 104_S_otcom_vshkolinoi_forme 105_na_kuhne_s_gitaroi 106_Issyk-kul_photo_s_sestroi
2 goda 2 goda V chemodane With father Singing in the kitchen Issyk-kul
107_indeicy-s-sestroi 108_Issyk-kul_pic 109_chervjaki_moei_mechti_ris 110_na_konferecii_sm 111_V_Passport 112_vtel'njashke_na ozere
With syster - Indians Issyk-kul - painting Chervjaki moei mechty Conference Passport photo V tel'njashke
113_za_kompjuterom 114_s_kanasdkim_flagom 115_s_mamoi_94god 116_V_lesy 117_Siluety 118_Zima
Aspirant Canada Moscow   94 Smirnov i Irka Siluets 27 December 1997
119_NadOzerom2 120_Boston 121_NovyjGod 122_Pljaz
Nad Ozerom Boston New Year Ozero